Book Release “Are There Hot Dogs in Heaven?”
Great News! My children’s book Are There Hot Dogs in Heaven? has been published and will be released August 1, 2024!
Are There Hot Dogs In Heaven? is my story of the first death that I experienced in my life. My dad’s sudden death impacted not only my life but the lives of my siblings and our mother. Our family life was forever shaped by his death. I have loved the question “Are There Hot Dogs in Heaven?” ever since I asked my mother in the aftermath of my dad’s death. I was searching for something inside of my question. I remember feeling sad and lost that he was gone. I worried about my mother who was so visibly shaken by his absence.
I was searching for certainty and something that could help soothe the grief and loss we were experiencing. My friends had told me he was dead and I didn’t understand why my mother said he was in heaven. If he was somewhere, then surely I could find him and enjoy eating a hot dog with him once again. But first I needed to know if there were in fact hot dogs in heaven. Writing this story reminded me of that tenacious four-year-old girl who searched for the truth by asking poignant questions.
I want to thank my writing coach and editor Marcia Meier, illustrator Bill Hart, and publisher Weeping Willow Books for all their support and vision on this project.